Choose colours:quinacronone rose, ultramarine blue, raw sienna, neutral tint

 oniongarlic1    oniongarlic2    oniongarlic3

Roughly sketch the onions and garlic with a soft (B) pencil. Mix up quiacronone + blue paint wet-in-wet  Leave white highlights (you can remove paint with a clean dry brush or blot out with kitchen paper. DRY


mix blue + pink + neutral tint start with lighter areas adding more of the same colours. Keep the shape of the garlic


  Add raw sienna + pink for onion keep highlights and mix more pigment for shadow area next to the garlic.Add some neutral tint at bottom while paint is still wet


 oniongarlic4    oniongarlic5    
Add in the lines on the red onion with a fine brush - keep to the shape of the onion. Add in some darker tones on the garlic - keep t the 3D shape    Add in the shadow, darkest nearest to the subject lighter as you move away. Add in the roots with a white pen or white gouache