Colours: Raw sienna, alizerin, prussian + ultramarine blue, Neutral tint (or paynes grey).This painting makes use of glazes.
It is VERY important to make sure glaze 1 is completly dry before painting on glaze 2 otherwise the colours will mix and you will end up with muddy colours.(the paper should be dry and FLAT)
Try also not to make too many brush strokes which will disturb the lower layer. Test the colours by painting glaze 1 on scrap paper dry then paint the next glaze on top
Paint in sky using a mixture of 2 blues. Your sky should be very pale by the time you get to the roof line but add a little blue to the right of the main dome as it will remain white | Add in the sea making it lighter on the horizon line Start with raw sienna in the distance then add more alizerin as you move right allow the paint to mix on the paper. DRY. Add prussian to the foreground. | Test the colours on scrap paper blue + neutral tint Start with the dome and then go down into the buildings. Leave some gaps for windows and building features. Make the blue darker as you go down and right. Paint the building on the left in darker blues | ||
Add more darks for windows and features |