"En plein air" at Rando Croquis 4 August 2017  - Back to sketching section

Painting: Colours used: Raw sienna, Burnt sienna, Cobalt blue, Lemon yellow

Paper: Arches 300g fine grain

Brushes: #16, #8, flat brush, Rigger - use #16 until almost the finish

rando1   rando2    rando3

mask out the dead branches

wet the top third of the paper with clean


Drop in pale cobalt and allow to mingle

with different greens. (paint will dry



Use the same technique for next

section using a mixture of lemon and

raw sienna. Add darker green with

mixture of cobalt + RS or lemon


Paint over water area with clean water.

Drop in cobalt and RS and BS, allow

to mix on the paper. Dab out some

white areas with your paper tissue to

give reflections

rando4   rando final    

Add more darks to trees and water

in the foreground. Remove mask only

when you are sure paper is completely

dry. remove pale tree trunks in back-

ground using clean water. (some colours

will remove better than others - see

staining colours


Add more darks to foreground and add

reeds. Darken background trees and

soften very white masked areas.

Add more ripples (they get larger

at the front and smaller the further away

they are)



Painting click for next section