A dramatic stormy sky with rain effect and scratched out paint.

Colours used: Paynes grey, raw sienna, burnt sienna, Ultramarine blue

Sketch out a simple mountain skyline. Note most of the composition is at the top. The horizon is under 1/3 the way up from the bottom.

stormy sky 2   stormy sky 3  

Paint top 2/3 of paper with pale wash of raw sienna

and allow to dry completely. Don't worry if the yellow

runs into the foreground, we will cover it with the

foreground colours


IMPORTANT: mix up lots of paynes grey.

You have to work fast for this effect so no time to

remix as the paint will be drying!

Load up a large brush start at the top and work down

using one stroke across the whole paper. Paint top

1/3 of paper then with CLEAN water just touch the

bottom edge continue down the dark grey will run

Tilt the board and allow the paint to run diagonally

 stormy sky 4    stormy sky final  

 Add foreground with very thick paint (almost no

water Ultra Blue + Burnt sienna) softening bottom edge

with clean water. Add raw sienna+Ultra. Paint in

diagonals for a more interesting composition. DRY

You can remove paint and make some interesting

textures. You can also scrape out paint with a sharp

knife when the painting is dry (don't scrape when wet!)


Final dry brush rain effect. This part needs courage!

Load up a large (5cm flat house painting or oil brush).

Use paynes grey and test to make sure the tone is

correct. Put the brush in the dry part of the sky

and sweep down st a slight diagonal WITH ONE STROKE.

You can mask out the foreground with a piece of paper

if you don't want to go into that area. If you need a

second stroke make sure it is parallel to the first.

 stormy sky closeup      
  Close-up of dry brush effect