Course: December 3rd 2014 - Fir trees with snow
Course notes: Things to remember
- Use a soft pencil - 2B
- Draw a long thin irregular triangle
- Draw the dark shapes in the top half and the white snow patches in the bottom half. Make the shapes irregular, different sizes and offset
- Now redo the shapes in sketch 1 with a water soluble crayon on watercolour paper
- Mix prussian blue and raw sienna for the dark shapes start with tone 4 then add darker shades. Using these 2 colours you can get some really good darks!
- Paint carefully, the edges of the branches are sharp and irregular not rounded, make some interesting negative shapes
- Add shadows to the snow by using clean water and dragging some paint from the dark areas. Leave some edges soft and some hards
- Add some touches of burnt sienna to give warmer areas
- Wet sky around trees with clean water and drop in raw sienna and paynes grey amking the right side slightly darker. Allow colours to flow. NOTE: you could paint the sky before the trees allowing to dry before starting the trees!
- Add twigs and rocks to foreground sprays - repeat some greens in the foreground to balance the painting