Hanging your work
- TAKE A FRIEND – it’s really difficult to hang alone.
- Your paintings should have a wire stretched across the back horizontally. Put all the wires at exactly the same distance from the top of the frame. This way you should only have to measure the distance for one painting and the rest will be the same.
- Don’t overcrowd the paintings try to leave at least 15 cm between frames - displaying the paintings is an art itself. Paintings that are too close together are difficult for the visitors to look at.
- Place the paintings up against the wall or on the floor to get a general idea what it will look like before you start. A quick sketch (approx.to scale) of the panel and paintings is a really good time-saving idea.
- Hang all paintings in the same style/media/colour scheme together.
- Hang the tops of paintings level – check they are at eye level for most people. Don’t use 2 rows unless your paintings are small (30cm or smaller)
- Use 2 chains/plastic wires if necessary – small paintings are particularly difficult to get to lie flat especially if you are mounting 2 paintings vertically. You could consider a frame (painted the same colour as the wall/panel) with all small paintings already pre-mounted, and then you will only have to hang up the frame.
- Put the price and name (of painting) on a small label stuck to the back of your frame with “patafix”. You can print these out on the computer or handwrite them. A novel idea is to rip up pieces of reject watercolours and write on them. Have several typed price lists to hand - you may find that people pick them up and wander off with them leaving them on another artists table.
- Take photos of the finished wall (include yourself in the photo)